Past Seasons Robot Performance

Ramping it up: Centerstage

In the CenterStage season, our robot reflects our design values of simplicity, efficiency, and performance. Our game records speak for themselves- going nearly undefeated throughout the B&T League. In addition, we earned the 2nd highest OPR in Texas State, reaching the 99.4% of OPR in the entire world! 

A few things to highlight about our robot:
1. 152.76 OPR
2. 220+ solo score
3. Consistent 2+4 on both sides in Autonomous
4. Precise double claw placement
5. High accuracy of 3 mosaics and 2 set line in the TeleOp period
6. Reliable zone 1 launch and hanging in endgame

Our robot’s excellent capability helped us through all levels of competition, which showed throughout the qualification matches at the FTC World Championship! 

Meet Vulcan, our robot who has led our team all the way to Houston for the World Championship!

FIRST World Championship

At the world championship, after an amazing record of 8-2 in the Franklin Division facing against world-class teams in qualification matches, we landed as a 1st pick to the fourth seed with 16460 GEarheads and  8719 Quantum Leap and earned a title as a Semifinalist in the Franklin Division. 

On the left is one of our best matches with Yaku, in which we scored a new division high score of 333 points, with our Zone 1 drone, 2+3 autonomous, and 2-setline plus a 3-mosaic teleop.

More matches can be viewed in our playlist: 

Excellent Matches!

B&T Tournament

North Texas Area Championship

Texas State Championship

Starting from the league tournament, our team established a strong robot game, evident in our undefeated record. Thus, we were able to place as the Winning Alliance Captain, Inspire 1st, and Think 2nd! Below is one of our best matches, run with team 18270. 

Next up, the area championship! Though we had a few rough patches in the qualification matches, we soon overcame adversity and rose on top as the Finalist Alliance 1st pick, along with 12791 and 23381. Below is a match which scored a whopping 285 points! 

At our most recent competition, the Texas State Championship, our robot persisted against strong opponents, and our OPR ranked 2nd in the event! We finished the event as a Tesla Division Semifinalist, along with 23381 and 6272. Below is one of our best qualification matches, scoring 289 points with no penalties!

Season Awards

Our team’s goals reverberate through both all sections of competition. In both judging and robot game, our game performs extremely well, leading to our multitude of awards, listed below:

B&T Tournament: Winning Alliance Captain, Inspire 1st

NTX Area Championship: Finalist Alliance 1st pick, Connect 2nd

Texas State Championship: Motivate 1st, Tesla Division Semifinalist

FIRST World Championship: Think 2nd, Franklin Division Semifinalist

At Texas State Championship, advancing us to worlds!

The Domination Continues: Powerplay

Like Freight Frenzy, our robot reamined at the spotlight of our team, displaying its prowess through both agility and speed. Indeed, our record in our first two league meets werephenomenal, ranking #1 in our league. We were the first in the North Texas to reach a full autonomous score with 6 cones on the high junction. 

On the right is our robot, called Artemis, which carried us all the way to the State Championship. 

A Video is Worth a Thousand Words

Meet #1

Our first meet was nearly perfect – we only lost one match by two points and our OPR from this meet would set the world record for weeks! Below is our best match.

Meet #2

Our second meet was perfect – no losses, five wins. In addition, we scored 197 points in one match, one of the highest in the North Texas region. Here is our best match.

Meet #3

In our third league meet we were able to keep it up by scoring 185 points. We placed 1st overall in our league, cementing a position in the league tournament!

Season Recap

Throughout the season, we remained strong in robot game from the B&T tournament all the way to State Championships. We werenot limited to the robot game as we also did well in judging, winning a multitude of awards. 

Here are some awards and accomplishments we achieved across the PowerPlayseason:

B&T Tournament: Winning Alliance Captain and Inspire 1st

NTX Regional Championship: Winning Alliance 1st Pick and Inspire 3rd

TX State Championship: Tesla Division Finalist Alliance 1st Pick

At the North Texas Regional Championship at Marcus HS, we were able to advance to the Texas State Championships due to our exceptional robot game and judging performance. 

Freight Frenzy

Last season, we showed dominance both during the robot game and off the field. At the regional championship in the Freight Frenzy Season, we ranked as the 2nd seed going into elimination matches. We ranked as the Finalist Alliance Captain at the end of the event, losing to only 7172 Technical Difficulties and 12791 Iterative Intentions. Furthermore, we achieved the highest ranked Autonomous at the state of Texas at this competition.

Off the field, we won the Inspire 3rd Award at the Regional Championships in the Freight Frenzy Season, just one rank off from advancing to the Worlds Championship in Houston. We also won the Inspire 1st Award AND the Finalist Alliance Captain in our first competition of the season.

Want to learn more about our robot? Contact Us!