

Real Impacts


Leading By Example

One series on our Youtube Channel is called the FIRST Experience, a series where we invite FIRST Alumni to interview them about their incredible experience and things they have learned through their journey through FIRST. Through this, we’ve been able to reach nearly 900 people and motivate them to investigate further into FTC, and even get some to join! This initiative is specifically aimed at being accessible to an audience that might note fluent in FTC, which has resulted in it being very effective. We have 5 episodes and counting!


Another one of our initiatives is more direct to our community, as we host a monthly STEM Forum where we invite on a keynote speaker involved in a STEM field, and they talk about a general topic that relates to their job. Not only do we provide a platform for these people to better educate the young who are the next generation in these fields, but it also benefits our teams as we get insight into portable skills in FTC like presenting to a judge, general design ideas, etc. Thus, it functions as a source of mentorship to our team but also a direct way to reach out to the community. After the Forum, we post the recording on YouTube, so that everyone can view it there as well. This initiative has been largely successful, as we’ve impacted over 400 people in the community!

STEM Forum #1: Jason Andrews

In our first STEM Forum of our second season, we invite on industry expert 

STEM Forum #2: Bernard Smith

In our first STEM Forum of our second season, we invite on industry expert Bernard Smith, a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft. Bernard goes over how to keep yourself protected in an increasingly dangerous cyber world.

Season 1

STEM Forum #1: 8565 Technicbots

In our pilot STEM Forum, we interview 3 alumni from FTC Team 8565 Technicbots to talk about their story from their start of robotics, their peak, and what they’ve taken away. During the Forum, we peaked at 81 viewers across YouTube and Zoom, and it was a huge success.

STEM Forum #2: Dr. Gonggui Xu

In our 2nd STEM Forum, we talk with Dr. Gonggui Xu, the chief scientist at LEN Tech. With a unique background and experience, he gives his take on the journey of becoming an engineer.

STEM Forum #3: Dr. Shouyi Wang

In our 3rd STEM Forum, we’re joined by Dr. Shouyi Wang, who talks about critical thinking in today’s day and age, its applications in real life, and how to become the best critical thinker.

STEM Forum #4: Mac Guckenberger

In our 4th STEM Forum, we invite on Dr. Mac Guckenberger, an engineer who explains the various different paths one can take to find a career in engineering.

STEM Forum #5: Brooke Brennan

In our 5th STEM Forum, Brooke Brennan, a product manager at the Home Depot, gives a presentation about effectively building and using a network to discover new opportunities.

STEM Forum #6: Dr. Digger Chen

In our 6th STEM Forum, Dr. Digger Chen,  an expert in intellectual property rights, walks us through how to turn an ingenious idea into a patented product.

STEM Forum # 7 Mac Guckenberger

In our 4th STEM Forum, we invite on Dr. Mac Guckenberger, an engineer who explains the various different paths one can take to find a career in engineering.